Where did that time go?!
Just 6 weeks ago on 1st August I took up the crazy challenge to complete 300k by this Sunday (GNR 15th September)
I can now officially tell you...
I'm aching -
WOW! I never really appreciated what I was putting my body through . I've pushed through pain most days and run on air some days, working through whatever my body has thrown at me yet for the emotional wreck I am, only managed to have one proper meltdown which was on a stupidly hot evening with absolutely no air! But tell me, what crazy person decided to do this challenge in one of the hottest summers for decades?! Oh that'll be me then! Lol. Luckily I have had the most amazing therapist that has been on hand whenever I have needed her too, thank you Suzi, I couldn't have done it without you, you probably know my body better thean I do now! Love you xxx
They say a challenge is only as good as its team and I have a fantastic one! From runners to bikers, sponsors, water carriers, texters, PM'ers, babysitters and supporters thank you. I really couldn't have done this without you. Some days I dreaded going out but a word from one of you is all that was needed not to mention that in as little as 6 weeks I've managed to secure nearly £1000 for the British Heart Foundation.
I need to do housework -
Our poor house is suffering because I always seem to be out running. Ray has been wonderful keeping on top of things but I can't wait to get my Karcher out next week.
300k is along way! -
So far to date I've now covered 290k. I've run 37 runs,. the toughest batch has been the last 16 where I've covered a colossal 130K all of which have been run in the last 12 consecutive days!!
I think I'm going to lose my toenail - Well something had to give I suppose and hey it'll grow back right! Lol
But I hate recovery drinks but they have helped immensely. Thank you Andy and Humber Runner for all your advice and support.
Ice baths are the devil!
Yes Macca I know they work but they are still horrible and make me miserable for all of the 15 minutes I'm sat in them!
Without Sunday's run I've been running for the equivalent of 36 hrs -
That's a lot of running!! I've laughed and cried my way through different runs but mostly smiled. When I ran Tuesday's run with East Hull Fitmums I realised it was a done deal with Sundays 21k added to the pot. In true Ellie style the waterworks started but to have the runners come out and bring Rebecca and me home was just incredible. I'm sorry for being a wreck at the end guys but it meant so so much. The support and encouragement you have all given me over the last 6 weeks has been truly amazing thank you. xxx
My husband is almost officially a machine! -
When Ray was first diagnosed we were told it would probablly be 6-12 months for him to feel as though he'd got back to 'normal'. Well we had his follow up appointment with his surgeon Ian Chetter on Saturday morning and he gave him the all clear and signed him off, to go out and enjoy his life - just 7 weeks post op!!
Ray has felt amazingly well for the last couple of weeks but needed the ok from his consultant to pick up his training again which he has now been given.
Already, Ray is back training, slowly, but has still managed an hours PT session and has ran 5.5 miles over the last 4 days. The last mile was with me on my last run before my rest days prepping for Sunday (ok ok I admit it I cried again!!).
I have to say, I'm overwhelmed and I'm in total awe of him, because of his sheer determination to succeed on his own challenge he is back where he wants to be, living a healthy lifestyle, training and enjoying life. I love him with all my heart and to see him 'back' is the post precious gift anyone could give me. Thank you NHS screening, thank you Mr Chetter and all the team, thank you to all the staff at Spire and thank you to all our friends that have helped.
I've all but completed my challenge!!! -
I've got an emergency treatment with Suzi tomorrow to sort my legs out and then I'm resting before we travel up to Newcastle. On Saturday morning I will be honoured to run with our 7 year old son Benji on his mini GNR challenge gaining his own medal and earning a whole load of respect.
Sunday is GNR and the completion of what has been one hell of a challenge but an even bigger roller coaster. I'm excited, nervous, extremely emotional and very apprehensive but I'm going for that finish line .
All my runs and challenges naturally bring thoughts of my Dad and how and why this all started. If it wasn't for him, I truly wouldn't be sat here now typing a blog or running a mile never mind 300k. He was and always will be my inspiration.
He taught me love, respect and gave me both the will and the power (and probably the stubbornness!) to succeed and I will be eternally grateful to him.
I also know he is watching over me and as always will be by my side on Sunday encouraging me and showing me the way so failure isn't an option - I WILL succeed.
Until the race report..........
Much love