Friday, 20 January 2023

Self help


If you have followed my blog previously you will already know that I always like to take the positive of every situation, I don’t dwell on the negatives because it becomes unhealthy…

It’s no secret that I am a ‘woman of a certain age’ and have lately been struggling dreadfully with the effects of perimenopause.  

I have previously visited the doctor who has prescribed tablets and HRT.  It’s not had me feeling much better and our surgery is going through so many changes, even getting an appointment to start to discuss issues is a nightmare (I’m not singling out surgery at all I’m more than aware this is a national problem!) so anyway, I swallowed my pride and rang a good friend of mine Tracey who has for a while now offered her help and advice.

Tracey is a Consultant nurse practitioner with a special interest and has trained in menopause management.

Tracey went through my medical history and symptoms and we discussed all aspects of my lifestyle, diet, health and wellbeing. I have to say by the time I walked out of her surgery, I not only had learned a great deal about the the menopause but also my body and how my hormones were affecting me but above all, I came out a lot lighter in heart and mind, knowing that how I feel is ‘normal’ and that I can get, and more importantly can accept help!

Give Traceys website a look (www. , she doesn’t just deal in positive reflections for ladies of a certain age she is also highly trained in her field and teaches nationwide.  

I’m not sure if she reads my blog, but if she does…. THANK YOU! I feel so much better already because of your kindness and care 😘 

I’ve finished my week feeling positive.

Much love



Sunday, 15 January 2023

What an amazing week :)

Wow what an incredible start to the new year I’m having.

I just love a new year.  I love the fact that it’s a new chapter that we turn over. For me personally, it’s a relatively quiet time cake wise so a chance to sort, have a deep clean of the house and start the year with a clean house, a healthier mind aswell as working on a healthier body.

Our inbox has been full of enquiries and messages to follow up and this being our first full week back at work has had me catching up and clearing my outstanding to do list.  My heart grew fuller and my smile grew wider when not one but 2 awards dropped into my inbox!

Cake making started as a hobby for me back in 2012 with a little idea that it would hopefully become a viable business.  When Elliegantly Made was formed in 2015 I never in my wildest dreams thought it would be the business it is today.  

It has gone from strength to strength and every day I get a kick out of going to work (even though my office is just downstairs 😂)

Creating cakes for me really is a dream come true.

We received the S.M.E award for best Bespoke Cake Maker in East Yorkshire ( ) and we also received a certificate of excellence from Three Best Rated ( https://three best )

Needless to say we have been celebrating the accolade and grateful to all our friends and clients who have helped make us the business we are today.

The week was finished with a beautiful afternoon tea on Friday catching up with my cousin Cazzie and a busy Saturday with an Elliegantly Made open day.  On EMHQ open days, we invite our wedding clients to book an appointment and have a look at our facilities and sample cake which is always a pleasure and who doesn’t like eating cake?! We never fail to meet beautiful couples and hear their love story who entrust us to create their dream wedding cake.

With Saturdays clients seen, we decided to have a quick change and go out for dinner before seeing our friends perform their first gig of 2023.  I love last minute decision to go out and they are often the best night.  We had a beautiful meal and enjoyed catching up with friends both old an new in Hessle.

Sunday was another special day spent pitch side watching our neighbour Reece play his testimonial match against Halifax Panthers which was an incredible day albeit freezing (I think my feet thawed around 10pm! Lol). Trinity won 28-16 and Reece got man of the match.

Until next time.

Much love



Sunday, 8 January 2023

Here's to the New Year

New Year’s Eve was shared with our dear friends Chris & Dave, Benji and his partner and was full of love, laughter, drinks and a beautiful 3 course meal cooked by myself and Ray - with me organising the starters and desserts and Ray dealing with main.

Crispy bacon and feta salad with vinaigrette dressing and walnuts to start. Stuffed port tenderloin with actifry new potatoes and buttered peas, asparagus and leeks for main and fresh strawberries and cream with ice-cream and cinnamon palmiers for dessert. 

We let in 2023 with champagne and hugs, raising our glasses to those no longer with us. I always feel that New Years Eve can be sad for what has gone and what has happened because you always reflect on what has gone but it’s also about new beginnings, it’s the new page of a fresh chapter and you are writing the story.

I’ve never made New Year’s resolutions because I don’t want to set myself up to fail so instead I’ve determined some goals for 2023. 

The first is that I will lose weight and be healthier.

Those that know me will be more than aware that I always like to see the positives in life and the first positive is that although I have gained weight again since my sponsored slim I am in fact starting this year 5.8lb lighter than I started 2022!

Every win no matter how small is a win right? and that will always put a smile on my face, I’ll take that 5.8 and make it a much bigger number by 2024!

Like the majority of the nation I have set out on the first week with determination and strength. Healthy eating, logging food and getting out for walks has been paramount this week as well as sorting, clearing and cleaning cupboards and rooms. 

We started the week with my brother and his family over for a late Sunday lunch (it was late because it happened on Monday!! 😂) and then on Tuesday we went over to our best friends for dinner.  We’ve not really seen anyone socially before or over Christmas due to work commitments and then being away, it was so nice to sit and relax catching up with them all.

We also received a wood delivery this week and I have to say shifting that from the front of the house to the wood store was a workout in itself .

So… to finish my first week,

I have finished the week with lots of smiles, feeling very virtuous. 

Have a great week

Much love

Ellie xxx